The Black Balloon

The film written and directed by young Aussie Elissa Down is a new step in Australian film. As it carries a heavy issue without sending the audience into a depressive state by the ending. 
The film is set around Thomas Mollison and his family. They are the typical stereotype for the Aussie battling family. They have to move into a new neibourhood as Thoma's father works for the Army. The one problem is that Thomas's brother has a severe case of autism. This ends up getting Thomas into all kinds of awkward situations. However it does bring him and the romantic lead... together. 

I like that this film has the issues of autism, the slightly unconventional family and modern coming of age element to it because it makes us really see how life like this would be. 

The score for this film is unobtrusive but definitely helps with the emotions that are needed to tell the story. 

I really liked it. I think because it is starting to explore Australian stories in an Australian setting. It is personal so we connect with the characters and it is believable. The truth in the film and the family experience supports the story.