Oscar and Lucinda

Oscar and Lucinda


 The reputation of Australian content is generally tossed aside when put on a world stage, unfortunate but true. I felt that this film altered this perception. Armstrong has an eye firstly for casting, especially picking up on Cate Blanchette as a rising star. Her wit for picking up on undiscovered actors and amazing casting, really made it work. The film was both beautiful, and clever with a strong story, strong performance and storong images to support it. Oscar and Lucinda are fantastic characters who work well one the screen. The only element I had trouble with was the constant geographical shifting if the story. 

Secondly, the imagery and cinematography of the film displays Australia as an absolutely beautiful place, which allows the beauty of the signature shot, when the glass church floats down the river. This is not just a beautiful shot bust stirs up the emotion in the film using her visual storytelling as a key to her work.

An amazing film that exceeded my expectations. 

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