Sunday, Too Far Away

Sunday Too Far Away

Ken Hannam

Finally film starts to address real Australian issues. The film, set on a sheep station in 1955 displays the workers of Australia through the Australian shearers and their reactions to the threat to their bonuses the historical moment when non-union labour was introduced.


Drifting away from the Hollywood influence the film brought a reality of a true Australian story to the stage. It feels very real, as it shows the life of the sheerer Jack Thompson and how he lives his life in the outback.


Although there is an element of “Hollywood romance” as Jack chases the station masters daughter the film seems to focus more of the males and their issues, focusing on the mundane rhythm of the way that they live.

The reality of the story allows the audience to take the experiences with Jack, for many audience members who are from metropolitan background this might be a new side of Australia they have never seen. However it is fundamental one which keep sthe country running, the idea of the working man. 

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