
Rachel Perkins
 Of all the films we have watched so far, this is the one which has effected me as an audience member the most. I wouldn't say that it has been the most cinematically interesting but it has the magical element of a clever screenplay which tells a good story. I beleieve that without a good screenplay there is no good film. 

The story of three sisters returning to their home because of their single mothers death brings the three sisters who never see each-other back together. The story takes us through their stories and share how they were effected by their mother who split them apart allowing the two oldest to be taken by white families. 
It may also be the fact that I am female and Australian that there were themes which I could understand, however to have issues such as the "stolen generation" bubbling beneath the surface coupled with the way that the Aboriginal population has been treated in our history simply made it stronger. Within the story it explains without spelling it out that the stolen generations influence are still effecting families in modern times. 
Although it was an adaptation from a screenplay which tends to show through at times when the film slows visually it allows us to foucs on the issues of the girls relationships.
It is the ensembe and emotion which comes through the film that I love. 
With every good

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