Youngly Boy

Younglu Boy
Stephen Johnson



This film tackles the modern life of three Aboriginal boys and their conflicting influences from the Aboriginal and modern metropolitan world.


The film focuses on the friendship of three teenage boys, Louupu, Milika and Botj and the way that they all embrace their cultural background. Louupu and Milika are chose by their elder to be awarded “ceremony”, but when their friend Botj returns from a stint in prison he influences them to a robbery of the local supermarket.  


One of the issues raised is their understanding and continuous influence of the “stolen generation” and its current impact even after a generation has finally passed. It is still having impacts today. Their confusion of the importance of their traditional background and their life in modern Australia.


The film is interesting because it shows the struggle with a traditional past and modern influence that must be impending on young aboriginal men. The boys journey to Perth through the land living as their ancestors did to find one of the boys fathers. Unfortunately, he has embraced modern life and stepped away from the traditional influences. They boys don’t find what they needed but what they could become. A homeless lost soul.


The film is about the jounry if these boys and their relationship but the interests comes with their connection and fight with their future. They reassess their values. It is a nice film where you feel for those characters. 

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